

下面是 c++ 的快速排序。

#include <iostream>
using namespace std;

 * 调整数据,使得在一个位置左边的数据均小于 pivotkey, 右边的数据均大于 pivotkey
int Partition(int *p, int low, int high) {
 int pivotkey = p[low];
 while (low < high) {
 while (low < high && p[high] > pivotkey) --high;
 p[low] = p[high];

 while (low < high && p[low] <= pivotkey) ++low;
 p[high] = p[low];

 p[low] = pivotkey;

 return low;

 * 快速排序
void QuickSort(int *p, int begin,  int end) {
 if (begin < end) {
 int pivot;

 pivot = Partition(p, begin, end); // 进行一次分区
 QuickSort(p, begin, pivot-1); // 对左边的进行快速排序
 QuickSort(p, pivot+1, end); // 对右边进行快速排序

int main() {
 int i, length, *p;
 cin >> length;
 p = (int *) malloc (length * sizeof(int));
 for (i=0; i<length; ++i) {
 cin >> p[i];

 cout << "original" << endl;
 for (i=0; i<length; ++i) {
 cout << p[i] << endl;

 QuickSort(p, 0, length-1);

 cout << "sorted" << endl;
 for (i=0; i<length; ++i) {
 cout << p[i] << endl;

 return 0;

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